Super late Game: In 3x do the same thing as in 2x Overtime.If the opponent carries a heavier spell, try to bait it with other cards. Because of this, just spell-cycle safely until tiebreaker. Late Game: If you're in overtime, it means both you and your opponent have a rock-solid defense.3-crowns is actually quite hard with this deck, I never achieve it unless the opponent gives up or is really terrible. I have had multiple situations where the opposing tower has about 50 HP left at the end of a game, so make sure to start chipping as some as you're down a tower. If you are down a tower, play offensively but also cycle your spells. So, just play offensively on the other Princess Tower, preventing your opponent to attack. This deck has a very reliable defense, but sometimes your cycle and hand isn't right to deal with incoming attacks. If you have taken a tower and your opponent is nowhere near a tower, don't defend like you normally would. Mid Game: Usually I have captured a tower or gave up by this stage.While doing this, place a Princess or Ram Rider on the other side's bridge and the chances are, the opponent won't notice or have the elixir to deal with her and your incoming counterattack. If the opponent is super offensive, easily counter his pushes with Mega Knight, Electro Wizard, Inferno Dragon and Tesla. Check situationals for extra advice against specific decks. Both these combined is five cards, so even if you're opponent doesn't do ANYTHING offensive, you won't have to cycle cards. Early Game: If the opponent is a defensive player, play Mega Knight at the back then add on Electro Wizard and Inferno Dragon, wait for that drama to die down and play Ram Rider and Princess.If you have a terrible hand/cycle, Fireball the tower. First play: Don't reveal to much (Lone Mega Knight at the back, lone princess at the bridge) or reveal all (Ram Rider and Princess combo (aforementioned)).Royal Ghost: For this slot, use, Royal Ghost, Skeletons, Goblin Gang, Bats, Knight or Tesla. Use to kill support troops and tower damage.
Upgrade it as much as possible to get better elixir trades.

Use freely on basically anything you like except if the opponent looks to be a Log Bait user.if that is so, use The Log to kill the Princess and then use the Fireball for the Goblin Barrel for a neutral elixir trade. If used correctly with the right troop, you will get zero tower damage. Normally, pair with Ram Rider, Mega Knight or another tank to take down a fast tank (Lumberjack, Mini P.E.K.K.A, Mega Knight etc.), and use it alone to kill a slow tank (P.E.K.K.a, Balloon, Valkyrie etc.). In double elixir, pair with Mega Knight and Electro Wizard to literally obliterate everything. Use with Mega Knight to disable most pushes, use on Inferno Dragon, Inferno Tower, Battle Ram and any other charging cards. Though it is weak to spells, it can be used as support for any defense/push, chip, an air swarm killer and Witch counter. In my opinion, the Ram Rider is seriously underrated and I have never had a failed Ram Rider connection. It also has a role in offense which will be explained. Extremely easy to use, just pop it on any grounded push (Even P.E.K.K.A or Elite Barbarian based) and it will crush. Jump to strategy for main body.ĭeck Information Deck Created by: MisterMiraclez Minimum Recommended King Level: 8 Maximum Recommended King Level: 12 Arena Required: Spooky Town (Wrong?) Average Elixir Cost: 4 (Wrong?) More Statistics: Go to Deck Builder Card Roles Mega Knight: Your main defense card. It is also level independent, all my cards are lvl 9 and in Arena 14, you will be up against mostly KL9+ and card lvl 11+. It is a pretty easy deck to use, it gets damage amazingly easily, but sometimes you'll find yourself at an elixir deficit if you overcommit to a push.
I have used this deck to get from Arena 12 to legendary arena.I was not sure how to classify it so I just used Bridge Spam (It could also be midladder, cycle or beatdown).